Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Ten on Tuesday: 10 FAVOURITE Photos

Monday, May 21, 2007

Mindful Mommy Mondays


Friday, May 18, 2007

my other ride is your mother

so yesterday when the horrible snotty screaming mess of a child decided he would not be having a nap - i did what every honest mother should do.

I called all of my non-exhausted non-tredupon non-stretched to the limit - friends without children and begged them NOT to have kids.

on the upside - Liam has taken with the "please" and the "thank you" so much we hardly even have to prompt him anymore.

Flashy fridays

the solution to your weight problem.
brilliant marketing.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Where's Liam Wednesdays...


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

the wind in his bits

who can deny him the happiness that is being naked outside on a day like this?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day

It was a beautiful day.

Friday, May 11, 2007

anatomy of a broom

I have come to accept that I will clean this house at least 5 times a day.
However, I don't have to be happy about it.

Flashy fridays

wait wait wait
smoking marihuana (which i had no idea it was even spelled that way)
will make you have snake chin?
if there ever was a reason to say no....

Thursday, May 10, 2007

new one new one

Peter picked the Element up on Tuesday night and we all went for a ride to show it off.

First thing Liam asked to for Wednesday morning at 6am....

"new one new one new one"
he shouted as he ran for the front window

Where's Liam Wednesdays...(thursday edition)

well if it had to be any monastery, at least I can agree with this one

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

who does that?

sorry I'm late

don't worry no one expects you to be on time

it wasn't my fault...J and I were...

**6 eyebrows go up, 6 simultaneous blinks**

J was buying porn

who buys porn?

don't you have a computer?

what the hell do you do with a dvd of porn?

J likes to buy them...he was reading the names of the cast OUT LOUD!

you were in a porno shop, right?


I don't think anyone there would be judging you

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things Most People Don't Know About Me

  1. I have a degree in English & Art History
  2. My right nipple used to be peirced
  3. so did my belly button
  4. I let my son run naked around the house
  5. I have been unemployed for over 2 years
  6. I have only 3 stretch marks from my pregnancy
  7. 1/4 of my left eye is brown
  8. I'm still not convinced we should have another child
  9. I have been to a Guns n' Roses concert
  10. I first kissed a boy when I was 12

I am pretty much an open book so most people who actually know me, know all this stuff.

Next week: 10 Songs That Make You Sad

Monday, May 07, 2007

Mindful Mommy Mondays

J'ai trouvé une vache, mama

Friday, May 04, 2007

not really outdoorsy types

Why does everyone think because we are buying an Element that we are campers?

I personally have never been camping - in a tent. We stayed in a trailer once. Does that count?

So at the suggestion and peer pressure of others Peter and I have looked into purchasing one of these. It's a compromise. And we'll stay in a park with showers, bathrooms and well..... a restraunt.
Oh yeah. We're outdoorsy alright.

ummm no is the answer but just dont talk about it

no, we haven't picked it up yet.
yes, i know it's been a week.
no, we didn't order anything special.
yes, we are anxious to get our new ride.

Flashy fridays

desperate for a laugh

yeah i don't know what it says either.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Where's Liam Wednesdays...

dah-ill snip snip snip

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

yes, AGAIN!

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Political Figures, and What You Think of Them

  1. Stephen Harper (P.M. of Canada) - seems like an ok guy kinda boring though
  2. George Bush - buffoon
  3. Tony Blair - he has nice ties
  4. Fidel Castro - he has done both good and bad for the people of cuba
  5. Hilary Clinton - possibly a fem-bot without the tits
  6. Julius Caesar - leader/general/looked for progress
  7. Elizabeth I - first really powerful woman to expand her kingdom
  8. Katherine The Great - managed to have it all (family and a 'career')
  9. Gandhi - brought peace and prosperity and freedom
  10. Cleopatra - whore for her nation

Since there was no living or dead clause I did 5 of each...

Next week: 10 Things Most People Don't Know About You