Saturday, December 29, 2007

Holly Jolly Daze

Christmas was a whirlwind.
Liam was busy every minute of every day for the past week.
a merry chirstmas to all and to all a good night.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

black christmas

for the second year in a row we will be attending funeral services within days of christmas. Grandma Toole passed away last year...

this year i will be flying out to Winnipeg to pay my respects to my uncle phil. he was a great father, a wonderful uncle and a good person who died too young, 54. and even though he lived 1512 km away he was the best uncle i have in a family who is shattered already. i am weakened by his loss...sometimes i find my knees just can't hold me up.

i am acheing with grief for his wife, son and daughter left behind and all the wonderful things he will miss. it's still raw. it's still in the back of my throat. i have been unable to swallow it but need to be stong for my mother, my cousins and my aunt. my flight leaves tomorrow.

i wish everyone a merry christmas and will post again sometime after the pain fades.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

abominable snow monster

we spent 45 minutes in the snow, yes we put him to work, and the little monster loved every last second of it.

wolf wolf wolf

the weather network is OFFICIALLY the little boy who cried wolf. i mean cripes. STORM OF THE CENTURY!! CRIPPLING STORM!! yeah. umm. 10 hours out and they STILL GOT IT WRONG! not that we got no snow. we got snow. but it wasnt crippling. and it was not the storm of the century. i swear one time they are going to be like "no really this time we're SURE there will ACTUALLY be some significant snow." and NO ONE will believe them. cause they are WRONG ALL THE TIME.

sorry but if i was wrong all the time...i would switch fucking careers.

Friday, December 14, 2007

i believe

i dont care who you are that is f*%king santa.
liam pulled off one decent shot from the bunch and
asked for "presents" - i had a whole list of my own that
santa graciously listened to.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


i dont often treat myself to some of life's greatest little luxuries. but i had this gift card waiting for the perfect moment when all i needed was either a morning to myself or to join the circus. luckily for everyone the circus is not in town...

so i went to the spa at ancaster. and ooo ahhh....

i had and hour and forty-five minutes of heaven while a sweet polish lady scrubbed, picked, massaged and masked my poor sad worn old face. it was outstanding. i almost fell asleep i was so relaxed. and i promise - that if i win the lottery not only am i treating all my girlfriends to this wonderful experience but i am going every month.

FYI - my face is so soft and smooth it feels like a ripe peach...or liam's sweet little freshly washed bum. geepers he was so little then - i need new embarrassing bum photos of him...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Ten on Tuesday: 10 Things I Want for Christmas

  1. a vacation - hell a sleeping weekend at a spa would do me good right now
  2. socks - i just want to start over, throw everything out - i can NEVER find a pair
  3. a professional organizer to come do my basement
  4. a maid
  5. a new bedroom set
  6. new sheets, new duvet & new mattress pad
  7. an easel and and area to paint
  8. a set of good brushes
  9. a set of good board games
  10. peace and joy

Next week: 10 New Years Resolutions - lets get them out early so we can start working on them!

chrismakawanzikah-izing the house

the tree ended up being A LOT bigger than i intended. and then there were A LOT more lights on it than i intended (1200 - you could see it from space). but all in all - it's a pretty great tree.

Monday, December 10, 2007

gay pirate

i hate max & ruby. for those who are lucky enough to not know who max & ruby are please quickly punch yourself in the leg to get an inkling of the feeling i get while they are on.

so liam is watching max & ruby while i am (half-assing) making dinner. from the living room i hear:

max: yo ho ho

liam: you who who

max: yo ho ho

liam: you who who

wondering how long this torture was going to continue...

mommy: liam it's YO HO HO

liam: you who who

max: yo ho ho

liam: you who who

if you're wondering how long i'm going to let this go on...

so i shout: YO HO HO!!!!

liam shouts back: YOU WHO WHO!!!

yeah i'm just gonna let it go. so what if liam knows the gay pirate call sign.

Friday, December 07, 2007

big boy room

wooo hooo! its done.
well except for the closet.
and all i have to say is f%#k the depot.

there can be only one

we were joined on our now weekly sojourn to the early years centre by Carrie, Benjamin and baby Thomas. we were thinking the whole time "aww wont it be fun to see the boys play together?" yeah i'm not sure they even made eye contact. ehn we tried. but everyone had a fun and exhausting morning playing and snacking at "school".

when i asked liam to tell daddy about it at dinner he remembered everyone's name but one. the baby. who mommy was holding and he kept a careful eye on in case he should sneak off with me for a snuggle or worse come home with us.

what was the baby's name mommy was holding?

i dont know

yes you do. remember....


his name was thomas

no not thomas, he's not thomas, no way.

cause of course there can be only one.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

clearing out

the move to liam's big boy room has prompted a massive clear out of all things baby. well may not ALL things baby. but A LOT! i am surrounded by bins of baby clothes, baby toys, baby blankets, bassinet, carriers, exersaucers, snugli's etc. they are all going to good homes.

sigh. my baby isnt a baby anymore...

i can't believe was ever that small.....oh right HE WASN'T! i basically gave birth to a toddler. and weed just keeps growing - i mean come on. we can barely keep up with the changing clothes sizes. or shoes for that matter.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

ten on tuesday 10 Favorite Things to Complain About

  1. liam
  2. my family
  3. my weight
  4. weather
  5. not having enough time
  6. construction / road conditions
  7. people swearing around my toddler (who mimics them)
  8. money
  9. most people cannot drive
  10. when tv shows dialogue is quiet and the cars or crashing or whatever is so loud it wakes your sleeping toddler in his big boy bed

Next week: 10 Things You Want for Christmas (or in general if you’re a “Holiday” type)

Sunday, December 02, 2007

my big man

liam has been insisent since his 2nd birthday that he is a big boy. so we went ahead and put together liam's big boy room and bed. he then promptly as if by cue - smashed his face off the "safety rail" and chipped his 2 top front teeth. i couldnt even look.

so we went to the dentist and he smoothed out the damage and now he is only about 1% less cute than before. and i'm sure my dangerous and fearless little man will come home with MANY MANY MANY more injuries in the coming years.

i have to say that although the initial big boy bed experience was negative (OUCH) liam is quite taken with sleeping in the big boy bed. we have had two whole successful nights in the bed. alas, we are back to getting up at 5:30am.

babies babies and MORE babies

Friday was officially baby day. Peter's cousin gave birth to a beautiful and healthy baby girl, Ava Rose and friends of our in Ottawa gave birth to a very cute little man, Rowan Derek. Then ( as if that weren't enough with the babies) i went to keith's baby shower.

as many of you may not know (or may have by now guessed) I am not really a girly girl. typically these types of things have brought up a genuine feeling of revulsion in me. however, in case anyone forgot, I AM INSANELY HAPPY for keith, and well, feeling more than a little nostalgic about the whole baby thing.