Thursday, November 30, 2006

Liam's First Birthday Party (finally)

yes it took me all week to post pictures of my son's first birthday party.
I'm a bad mom gimme a break.

Daddy got him the best gift of all!

Liam was genuinely confused about the cake and singing.

And he's already sweet enough. But the messy plate and icing went over well!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Liam - November 25


Your First Birthday has come and gone and I am left wondering when you became this sweet little man.

Friday, November 24, 2006

On November 24, 2005...

Last year today I spent the day wandering in the cold. Swinging on the swing in the park and feeling resigned to a induced birth.

Last year tonight I laid in the bath - bigger than a house - (lucky for me we have a deep wonderful tub) wishing and begging the giant uncomfortable baby to PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE hurry up so I didn't have to be induced.

Last year tonight I went to bed quietly at home and woke up in a puddle in the middle of the floor and the snow flying outside the window.

Last year tonight I woke up Peter and told him it was time - to which he said "HUH? Are you sure? Do I have time for a shower?"


Liam took one look at that face and "HI...!!"

Hi! was the word of the day.
Everything got a wave and a big smile and a "HI!"

Thursday, November 23, 2006

On November 23, 2005...

Last year this time I was 100 years pregnant with the world's biggest baby who was bruising my ribs and pressing ever so uncomfortably on my cervix.

Last year this time...I was still complaining about the "stretch and sweep" the nasty mean doctor had pulled on me in the morning that made me so sore and sick I had to go home and lay down.

Last year this time...Peter and I were discussing that I would be induced on November 28th if nothing happened as a result of said "stretch and sweep".

Last year this time....I was settling down for my last full night sleep.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Where's Liam Wednesdays...

ok i'll admit it I screwed up and uploaded the wrong picture on the wrong day.

lesson #1 of mommyhood: poop happens.

No baby the lion doesnt want your banana. Good sharing though.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

sense of humour

I had this entire blog written about what a bad mom i am and how I can't imagine having more children especially if they are any where near as stubborn as Liam...Then:

I realized that Liam has a very strange sense of humour. However, he burst out hysterically laughing today while watching Dora. Tico the squirrel was chomping down on a scrumptious looking cupcake... and"HAHAHAHAHAHA" Liam squealed. In fact, he didn't stop laughing until they all had finished their cupcakes on Cupcake Mountain. Now what exactly was soooooo funny about Tico eating a cupcake we arent too sure but that laugh made all the bad stuff today melt away....

So I realized that I too need to laugh at the squirrel - and maybe I need a cupcake...

Mindful Mommy Mondays - Tuesday edition

ok the days keep disappearing. it must be a mommy (Suz) thing...

Liam in paradise. The biggest bath ever!

Sunday, November 19, 2006


I'll admit that we have a problem. With books. We buy them and buy them and buy them and buy get the idea. We could stock a frickin' library with the number of books in this house.

Peter and I are both big time readers - though we often have completely different taste in books.

And we've created a monster with Liam too. The child isn't even one and has 2 shelves of books already. Not that I think this is a problem. I'd much rather he love books than tools and guns as toys.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Official Birthday Countdown

We're down to single digits here PEOPLE!!!!

8 days...
I can't believe we all survived.

Hoopity Poops!
yes I swear like a mommy now.
I have toddler that is hell bent on speaking and well, any day now I imagine his first (real) word to either be JESUS or FcUK.

cutest ever

it's official
Liam - not me (obviously)
though I don't look bad in this one
to quote miss bella, age 2.5: "I'm not vain mommy, I'm beautiful"

ok ok it's friday AGAIN??!!

The weeks keep flying by me...

Ok so Friday night last week the girls went out after miss tanya came in from "the big city" to meet Liam. A pitcher of sangria later and we realized nothing (much) had changed. Except for about 50lbs, two kids and nearly a year.

Saturday and Sunday were campaign days for Peter's dad - walking 10 km canvassing neighbourhoods across the west mountain. The joy of rejection was only overshadowed by the thrill of witnessing how some people live - i'm so noisy. Things I saw - a lady higher than a kite with a bit of pepperoni on her face, a topless blackguy with a yummy looking chocolate chip cookie, and a preteen girl in her underwear all came to the door. For the most part however, people avoided answering even if we could see them in the front window.

Monday was the election - Peter's dad did NOT win.

Tuesday - usual day nothing exciting

Wednesday - Peter's mom's relatives from Holland New York visited with the youngest of their brood. A day with a 5 month old girl and a 2.5 yr old made me almost sure that Liam will be an only child. Oh and someone we know disappeared leaving a suicide note (no one we like though so ....)

Thursday - got Peter's bday present and xmas cards.

YEAH and now its friday AGAIN!!!!!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Where's Liam Wednesdays...

out on a limb

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

the girls

Ahh who are those pretty young things?

We never forgot who would be there.

** Carla, I will never be a "drippy" as you

where you go to die

Hospitals are horrible places even when you are doing something joyous like having a child. But when you are old and infirm they are crowded places of innumerable indignities where you wait to die.

Elsie (who is 94) went into the hospital last week due to improper kidney function. Doctors say she can never live alone again and may not leave the hospital. She seems remarkably in fair spirits considering where she is. The ward is dingy and sad. The smell of moth balls, medicine and musty old women is pungent in the air.

I hope (should I reach as ripe an old age as Elsie) that someday I'm rich enough to die alone at home well cared for by a live-in nurse and not a burden to my family.

Not to say that Elsie is on deaths door...but at 94 she's been living on borrowed time for almost 20 years. That said - knowing her - she'll survive another year at least. I just hope for her sake it isn't in that place.

wait what day is it???

on the mooooooooooove

Friday, November 10, 2006


where has the week gone?

  1. Liam isn't sleeping again
  2. He's been a pain in the butt about eating too
  3. Peter's dad's campaign is almost over (thank god)
  4. websites websites websites
  5. cleaning

oh yeah that's it.

Where's Liam Wednesdays...(where has the week gone edition)

short pier and all that

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Mindful Mommy Mondays - Tuesday edition

out in the cold

Friday, November 03, 2006

astonishing aeronautics of swine

Lesson # 1 of being an adult - never say never.
I find myself doing, saying, seeing, being a lot of things a said I would NEVER do (again).
Who knew?!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Alright almost done.

I almost finished my christmas shopping completely already! woohoo! I have only small individual stuff my parents and Peter left to buy. However I am sure that I will come across a trinket here and there I can't resist for someone.

Oh and some people who dare to have birthdays right before christmas or move into new homes.

**Amendment: I officially have 5 more gifts to buy that's it!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Where's Liam Wednesdays...

That was a lovely day but something is out of place...