Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Ten on Tuesday: 10 things that worry me

  1. Liam's eating habits - he's a grazer and doesnt usually eat THAT much at one sitting - he's also so thin
  2. uterine or ovarian cancer - my mother had 2 tumors the size of grapefruit removed from her uterus before her hysterectomy when she was only 45
  3. money - but everyone worries about that
  4. getting fat - i really dont have a physical activity i love...
  5. my friends dramatic lives - i know i shouldnt but i worry about them
  6. keeping the house presentable - i'm not martha stewart, cleaning is NOT my joy
  7. peter and i will "divorce" putting liam through hell
  8. someone will read this post and think i am stalking them
  9. i'll run out of time to have another child
  10. that we'll end up have quadruplets just cause i said that

Next week: 10 Useful Internet Sites


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