Thursday, October 11, 2007

i am the black bubbling bile in alisa's bowel

i am 3 days into a 45 day whole body cleanse. wooo. the cleanse involves not eating wheat, dairy, soy and SUGAR!

the fact is that i am a sugar addict.

--Hello my name is alisa and i am addicted to sugar.

it is my weakness. it is my white whale on this cleanse. call me ishmael...or ahab in a few more days...i'm likely to be as crazed and obsessed. i promise not to go into a diatribe on sugar.

so far i've been good...only one cheat and it was for leftover yams. mom's leftover yams. i mean come on. besides being soaked in sugar they do have all those good yam vitamins still (right?). i'm hedging my bets that one slip wont make that much of a difference in the long run.

my goal of this is to not only purge my body of toxins, chemicals, yeast, bile and make sure the plumbing is in working order but to also lose weight - like at least 20lbs. hence the 45 days. not the typical 15. hence the clinical strength formula. not the "first time user recommended".

i am not a vision of self control and it takes all my will power to face the kitchen full of liams goldfish crackers, oatmeal cookies and yummy chocolate mint york peppermint patties in the freezer.

send me your support and encouragement. i'll need it.


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