Friday, October 05, 2007

my crrraazzzy skillzzzzz

yeah my parenting skillzzzz have become the stuff of legend. ok maybe not legend....fodder at the park?

so it was a tidge wet at the local park --

liam eagerly climbs the ladder and heads straight for the very high straight FAST slide.

did i mention everything is dewey?

down he goes at epic speeds. on his now soaked butt. flying at least 3 feet off the end of the slide and landing flat on his back. he lay there in stunned silence.

all the other moms gasp in horror.

i, on the other hand, pick myself up off the ground and hope i can stop giggling long enough to collect my son and make a hasty exit from the park.

mad skillzzz!

i am the parenting guru.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so loving you!! You are freaking hilarious!!

Need to see you soon!


8:27 p.m.


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