Thursday, October 04, 2007


  1. facebook has effectively ruined my social life -
    seeing as there was little to no social life to speak off anyway i suppose the loss is minimal
  2. Liam speaks in full sentences and repeats EVERYTHING we say - yupo have to really stop calling Peter a bastard now (at least when Liam's around)
  3. Liam can say ridiculous but CANNOT say JELL-O
  4. i spend most of my time decorating Liam's big boy room
    it's a project and i will post pictures when it's done (it's pretty fabulous)
  5. I have seen the movie CARS about 300 times this summer but never the whole thing
  6. Liam is scared of combines (i think thats what they are called - FRANK from CARS) and small dogs
  7. they (the man) discontinued Liam's soother -
    affectionately known in our household as tootoos - so we're screwed

i think that gets you basically up to date. sad that 7 point form notes can cover 4 months of my life. Oh there is other stuff but PEOPLE (you know who you are) might read it and know that it included them or was about them and i am already sure that they think THIS is about them so I will just get in shit for it anyways.


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