Tuesday, October 16, 2007

i am the oozing bacteria purging from alisa's pores

YES!! just what i always wanted. to be a 14 year old girl with zits again! yeeah!

cripes. the wonderific so terrific cleanse has caused my skin to erupt in a series of albeit small but equally horrific (for a 31 yr old) zits. i never had much problems with my skin as a teen - my various other problems (a mullet and a skid boyfriend) would have overshadowed these anyhow - but as an adult i find it truely disheartening to have zits and fine lines (fuck ok they're wrinkles).

truth be known - the cleanse week 2 is much harder than week 1...

your body really goes into overdrive on the purging. you're exhausted and you're sick of taking 11 capsules a day. and yes i cheated and had a piece of bread. get off my back!!


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