Monday, October 29, 2007

big box shopping hell

i think my personal shopping hell (other than this) has to be big box stores - you know who you are...i dont need to be sued. I do hate shopping there on a good day but apparently since it is already Christmas (no one told you either huh?) there was a mad rush of 25 cans of pickled pickeral - just in case. everyone in ancaster either does not work or took the day off to go to (we'll call it Fostmo**) to buy too much stuff they really dont need for alot more money then they need to spend cause frankly everyone i know who lives in ancaster is either a D.I.N.K. or a real estate agent (really the same thing just spelt another way).

so anyways as we amuse liam with the many tins of this and packages of that and he screams loudly over the din "i want bread" as we walk though the bakery section filled with 24" pies and 6 loaves of bread - i am on a mission. see one item i usually buy is remarkably on coupon. normally i dont do coupons (no no dont get me wrong i just dont do coupons cause if you have ever gone shopping with peter you'll know why)-- but i thought ehn he's not here i'll get to save $3 woot.

I kid you not...i walked around the entire store 4 times. if you've been in a Fostmo** before you know that is a LONG LONG LONG WAY. i also resorted to asking an employee (3 in fact) to find said coupon item - that they advertise -- at the front of the store...

3 Fostmo** employees and i were wandering up and down the aisles as they mumbled--

it should be over here, well if it's not there it has to be here, did you check the front, it has to be on an end, you're sure it's on coupon....

i got to the cash and left and told lovely lady who cheerily checked my buggy that someone should make a map of the store and hand it out EVERY DAY to EVERY employee.

my little tip.

from the chilly smile i got back i'm guessing my suggestion went right into the trash.

**names have been changed to protect the guilty


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