Monday, October 22, 2007

dare i say it?

dare i put to type what i have been thinking most of the past 7 days....

is it just my imagination or is it getting easier?

is this the calm before the storm?

am i just becoming used to the maelstrom?


am i just better medicated?

liam seems to be getting easier with stuff lately. he's taking to eating with a fork fairly often if not every meal. we hardly fights me when we have anywhere to go and i'm in a hurry. he tells me when he poops and pees and every now and then does it on the potty. even the tantrums are getting less out of control.

of course I HAVE shot myself in the foot here...

cause you know tomorrow the little monster with rear his gleaming little eyes and the horns will come out and well.... all hell will break loose.

but at least i'll always have those 7 days.


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