Tuesday, October 23, 2007

attack of the nice

there is such a thing as too nice. and such a thing as too much nice.
i do like stores where you are greeted by a smile and friendly acknowledgement. however, there has to be some kind of record going at OLD NAVY these days. in the past couple of weeks liam and i have walked through the old navy store at the mall only to be "greeted" about a thousand times. i have done my share of retail work where the all too chipper manager becomes a cheerleader at the beginning of the shift - GO OUT THERE AND SELL SELL SELL !! SMILE SMILE SMILE!! but without a word of a lie we were said hello to about 20 times today. i was asked if i needed help about 18 out of the 20 times. i couldnt turn a corner or or touch a sweater without being attacked by a overly friendly twenty something with braces and bad skin shouting HELLO! and CAN I HELP YOU??!!!


i left without buying anything. i NEVER do that. if they dont want me to shop there anymore all they have to do is keep on with the cheerleader attitude...


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