Monday, April 16, 2007

made me realize

So as usual I'm reading Oh, the joys this week and I had this sudden realization that I really would love one of my friends to have a baby. I would love to look at them with that tenderness and kindness that other mothers had for me when I was pregnant with my first. I would love to see them stare at wonder at their body and their sweet baby. But most of all, I would love for them to be a part of this motherhood thing and to know and understand when I just want to hear them talk about their lives and when I am weepy it's no ones fault.

So - GIRLS (you know who you are) - GET TO IT!!!!

P.S. I would also like to be the one to smile and coo at their sweet little monkey faces and then HAND THE BABY BACK when it starts to cry.


Blogger OhTheJoys said...

Get them on board!

12:57 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your friend over there has some skills -- very beautifully written -- thanks for pointing me over there...

Almost makes me want to have a baby. But of course i haven't got what it takes to be a mother...

3:22 p.m.


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