Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Ten on Tuesday: 10 high school memories

  1. some kid smashing his head open in a pool in Ottawa class trip
  2. playing cards in the cafe
  3. sitting on the stairs out back watching the boys play hacki
  4. learning to love & then HATE french
  5. watching our math teach mumble to herself at the front of the room
  6. wondering how drunk our grade 9 english teacher would be any given day
  7. getting pennies thrown at me by mr.morrison
  8. being asked to teach a grade 9 english class when i was only 17
  9. thinking i knew everything
  10. hanging out in the halls with the girls

Next week: 10 Idols/Heroes When You Were a Kid


Blogger Patois42 said...

Why the pennies?

6:06 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my god....what was her name? I can't remember her name. All I can think of is.."Now today class we'll be talking about polynomials" in that nasal voice.

6:24 p.m.

Blogger Julia said...

I took French class too, but managed a C's grade *grin*. That show am not learning much LOL

Why would a teacher throw you a pennies? Now am curious about the story behind this *grin*

Thanks for sharing your HS memories with us :) Happy Ten on Tuesday!

9:05 p.m.

Blogger Jennifer Coomer said...

you had a teacher throw pennies at you??

my in freshman english class some boys took to throwing pennies when the teacher's back was turned. i got hit several times and those pennies could hurt!

10:37 a.m.


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