Tuesday, March 13, 2007

throwing stones

Supposedly there is a lesson you're supposed to learn when the same bad thing (or person) enters your life again and again and again.

I seem to have a recurring theme...

Exhibit A : high school - girl (I truly pitied and believed by being friendly and nice I could change) who would lie about the colour of the sky and believed it - thought that telling everyone I wanted to be her and have everything she had.
Exhibit B : university - girl who needed a roommate and I a place to live - existed in a world of her own fantasy and thought I wanted to be her and have everything she had.
(do you see a pattern yet?)
Exhibit C : grown-up - girl who was a basically an acquaintance seems lonely, has similar interests to me - thinks it would be fun to slander me - because I want to be her and have everything she has.

And I am left feeling much as pictured...

I am pretty happy with my life. I am back to a size 8, I have 4 (very faint) stretch marks and my boobs are bigger, I don't have grey hair and no wrinkles. I also have a wonderful loving supportive (and gorgeous) husband. An amazing smart funny and active son. A large and supportive family. Five outstanding and beautiful women friends who would stand between me and a firing squad.

I guess people just make me sad. These 3 women, I pity.
Lesson Learned: don't be nice to crazy people.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, it's so true!! Crazy people are at every corner and should be made to wear some sort of identifier. They are good at pretending to be normal and then the crazy hits you. I have to say...now I just wanna know if I know these people!!

7:28 p.m.


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