Friday, March 02, 2007

5 things i own

Name a CD you own that no one else on your friends list does.
do CDs even apply anymore? i downloaded that no one else i know probably has -
J.T. futuresex/lovesongs

Name a book you own that no one else on your friends list does.

Blown Away - some trashy crime novel my mom gave me to read but i never did

Name a movie you own on DVD that no one else on your friends list does.

Uncle Buck - it came with another order of stuff that wasnt ours but wasnt on the PO so we kept it

Name a place that you have visited that no one else on your friends list has.

Rome - this one is temporary - Peter and I went in 2002 for five days - ahh Roma
Sweet Water, Tennesse - we used to stop there with my family on the drive to florida

Name a piece of technology or any sort of tool you own that you think no one else on your friends list has.

i might say breat pump but i think shan has one too.....
we all had (at one point) the same vibe but in different colours
i dunno

Care to pass this one around anyone???


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