Monday, September 11, 2006

Why we blog...

"Why is it we want so badly to memorialize ourselves?" Everyday we write our own mini euology in hopes of what? Applause, envy, respect, a laugh? Or is it just that we can't stand the thought that no one is listening? That no one is paying attention?

This thought of losing our voice seems to become crystalized as you become a mother or father. As that little voice is no longer your own. As the former you that thought nothing of tomorrow has faded into the desperate person who writes down witty conversations and ironic daily events in some hope that someone somewhere will listen.

And who would want to hear it? I used to talk about politics and religion, now most of my conversations revolve around poop and runny noses so that when something that strikes me as genuinely "funny" happens in my mostly mundane days I feel compelled to blog.

At the every least we want a witness. A witness to both our achievements and our failings.

So when the time comes to stand at the front of a tiny chapel in a run down old funeral home, just say that I wanted to be heard occassionally when it seemed like no one was listening.


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