Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Steak and Snickers

You can say whatever you want but once you become a parent comparing your child to every other child is almost as natural as breathing.

Today I found myself in the den of the devil (Old Navy) staring a the enormity of a child the same age as Liam with a head the same size as mine. Admittedly, I do not have an extra large head (like his father) but to see an adult head on the body of an infant is disturbing to say the least. Though I suppose it would have been more so had the child not been about 30 lbs. with more rolls than the michlen (sp?) man.

It leaves me wondering what they are feeding him.

My family doctor balked at the amount that I current feed the bottomless pit that is my son. She looked distractedly from me to Liam about 3 times before saying "Well....he seems fine." Meaning in my FTM mind that my child could possibly have a tape worm or worse.

So why, if I am feeding Liam what my doctor would see as "a lot", does my child look "normal" (relative considering his parentage) and not weight 30lbs, look like he has a football for a head and ate Budda for breakfast?

My only guess is that these other parents are feeding these tiny tubbys STEAK AND SNICKERS.


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