Friday, September 01, 2006


I believe customer service departments to be somewhat self explanatory. But after being on the phone to our former domain and hosting provider for most of the day trying to get one simple thing done, I am forced to wonder if people working in "customer service" actually have any idea what they are supposed to be doing.

Me: Yes this is my 4th phone call today to your customer service I just need (so and so) done. I know you can do this and that it will only take you five minutes to do.

Snotty "customer service" lady: uh well there's really nothing I can do for you so I'm hanging up now.


I'm also convinced that no one actually works at this company and that it's just 3 angry old women jammed in a cubicle in a storage locker somewhere in Toronto randomly telling people that they can't actually do their job (that is "customer service") and then hanging up on them.

So either way I went around this company, called the parent company (a large domain registrar) who don't specifically deal with individual domains or 'customers' but I guess if you sound pissed off enough and your child is screaming hysterically in the background they are willing to help out. There's an advantage to having kids after all. I knew eventually it would pay off.


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