Wednesday, August 30, 2006

And his first word was BLOG

Today like most others with Liam started walking began with me shouting NO NO (which I'm sure Liam will soon think is his name) and then either being followed into and out of everyroom I even think about walking into. Or if I sit down for a single minute, the dangerous silence that follows as Liam finds his opportunity to sneak around the house. The latest favourite room is the bathroom which I can happily say I have peed alone for some time in. "The Sneak" is also often accopanied by "The Bang and Scream"or the lil' monkey walking back into my office with something I can't identify in his hands until it is in my lap. Most recently, toilet paper (which conveniently led back from whence it came), a tampon and the bath tub plug. All wonderfully delicious things I wish I could say as a better mother probably would are/should be out of reach of "No No."

Of course I'm not a better mother and my "relaxed" attitude towards Liam and what he does when he's in his playpen, in the backyard, sneaking through the house alone or running in traffic does have a down side. Apparently, I, the "relaxed" mother, am baby-ing my 9 month old too much when I hold him if he is screaming hysterically in fear. THAT'S all I'm going to say about it.


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