Tuesday, October 30, 2007

diabolical dentifrice

I truely do have a fear of the dentist. so appropriately we (the 3 of us) had dentist appt's today.

ooo inspections and cleanings.

good news first...no cavities just a loose filling and hopefully they can just repair my veneer. though it is 20 years old and frankly anything that OLD needs to be replaced. at least i feel like that EVERY DAY!

i do have legitimate reasons for my fear...as a child i had to have numerous (4) teeth pulled as they came in too soon and were too big for my mouth. and various years of poking and prodding to get this tooth to go that way and this way. oh and not to mention the broken front tooth when i was 11. by broken i mean in HALF. then there were the years with a crazy polish lady dentist who knew my mom (a teacher) had great insurance so would "say i had cavities" or needed things done (a root canal when i was 13) cause she was a sadistic greedy bitch. obviously i didnt need a root canal and began to question EVERYTHING a dentist and well any medical professional would tell me.

so i came in a teensy bit on edge, maybe a weeee bit negative, possibly already preparing myself for (pictured above) the worst possible scenario...

i survived.

liam was a champ. let the dentist look at his teeth and didnt even bite him...

course if i was to put my finger into his mouth he'd chomp down on it like it was the best damn hunk of chicken finger he ever had.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I was a kid I had the dentist tell me I had all these cavities only to find out by another dentist that they were all made up. Dumb dentists putting children through torture for their own gain :(

6:29 p.m.


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