Monday, November 05, 2007

got the fever!

yeah i'm singing the song too. not happily though. Liam has had a low grade fever that has made him mister grumpy pants and mister not sleeping pants all weekend. short or no naps up all hours and waking up for day at 5:30am.

so miss smarty pants me decided this morning to go to michael's craft store. bad idea. but then i was among good company i think everyone in there this morning was a mommy with a grumpy talkative and grabby toddler. i promised him if he was good boy we'd go to the "kitty cat store" (pet smart) cause he loves animals - pet stores are hard to even drive by without him noticing anymore. so he was ok in the store not exactly good but he didnt scream just said "no" a million times and "how about this?" about a thousand times and then grabby multiple items off every narrow aisle and close display we went down so that by the time we were checking out he was screeching "kitty cat store" at the top of his lungs.

"kitty cat store" was a HUGE mistake. he LOVES cats. and doesnt want to leave the kitty cats at the store. even when i tell him we can't take them home cause they are someone elses.

and he LOST IT! freaked out. right out front of the kitty cat store.

yeah i'm done. naptime for mommy too.

** update: he only slept for 30 mins. at least i think he slept amybe he just laid there. anyways no sleep for anybody. woot.


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