Monday, November 12, 2007

artsy fartsy

i used to paint. i used to be quite crafty in many ways. over the years many (all) of these talents of mine have fallen to the wayside for work, life, etc. generally speaking, being too busy has been my excuse. but now as a SAHM i have a couple hours luxury ME time (aka nap time) each day.

so i started painting again.

it's going ok. i forgot more than i care to admit and now am struggling with composition. when to say enough and when to keep adding until it feels complete. not as easy as you might think.

i've always preferred simple compositions and well simple and beautiful is often more difficult than a mess of objects and colour.

the painting is a gift for someone. and i hope they appreciate that it may not be perfect or even my best work. but it does come from my heart and well i am using my ME time on their gift (dammit).


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